Hidden Lambs
The hidden lambs are called to live an intercessory lifestyle by praying and fasting (sacrifice) for Ablaze nights. Peoples hearts are changed through the power of intercession! Through baptism we are made members of the mystical Body of Christ, and therefore we are empowered and equipped by God to continue the mission of the Lamb! We have been baptized into the Body of Christ and therefore we are baptized into His Mission --- to save souls! When we cooperate with the graces of our Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist we begin to pray without ceasing... we make intercession for the salvation of souls and give glory to God! We become living houses of prayer! As temples of the Holy Spirit, we allow Jesus to continue his offering to the Father through our daily YES! From the altar of our hearts, Jesus offers His Mass. This is the heart of a Eucharistic Spirituality. The Son of God could not save us without our human nature and he cannot save us without our cooperation.
All Grace flows from the One Holy Sacrifice of Jesus Christ -- the Mass! Those who hear this call to be a hidden lamb for Ablaze can contact us. If you have any questions please contact us. The Hidden Lambs will pray in a hidden way with Jesus, in Jesus, and through Jesus. During your personal prayer time, you will simply remember to lift up Ablaze to God. This service is hidden and no one will know who is apart of the hidden lamb intercession for Ablaze. As our Lord says, "Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing." God alone knows our hearts offering with, in, and through Jesus. Only the prayer of Jesus has power to save. The hidden dimension of intercession is what gives it power. Also, it keeps us humble and protected from our pride. Satan hates the humility of Jesus' hidden ministry.
Prayer Commitment Suggestions:
1. ) You promise to try and attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as often as possible asking Jesus to look kindly and generously on those souls that will attend the upcoming Ablaze Night. You promise to try and offer 5 Holy Communions in honor of the 5 Holy Wounds of Jesus asking the Father to bring souls into a deeper experience of communion with Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist.
2.) You promise to try and pray 5 Holy Rosary's asking our dearest Mother to grant the deepest graces of humility to souls during the upcoming Ablaze Night. We cannot receive God without Humility.
3.) You promise to try and pray 5 Divine Mercy chaplets in reparation for sin of lukewarmness committed against the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Christ. He is so passionate in his love for us! How He loves us...
4.) Like the Apostles and Blessed Virgin Mary at Pentecost, on the night of the Ablaze, you promise to try and gather in the designated place of the Ablaze Evening and you pray God's protection over the Ablaze Night (the people, the sound / video equipment, the peoples travels to and from etc...)
5.) You promise to try and remain in prayerful intercession during the Ablaze Night for the souls that are in attendance. This simply means that you offer the night of worship for these souls.
* During these prayer times it is important to be listening to what God is saying to you*